Every few months, the internet battles it out over who to believe when it comes to movies: critics or the audience.
Read some of the discourse, and the public seem to require arbitrary numbers to dictate if they seek out a film, with such numbers usually perpetuated by the website Rotten Tomatoes and their system of having quantifiably objective data for both sides.
These numbers divide consistently, and frustratingly, far too often. While both sides of the argument usually come from a misunderstanding of the other’s frustration, what neither side seem willing to realise is that films are not made in a vacuum to ostracise the other. Should a review from a critic be based on how effective it is at engaging with its target audience? Should audiences listen to those industry professionals who are telling you a film is bad? Yes and no. The situation is more nuanced than any single number can dictate.
This feature was posted on April 21st 2023. Full feature linked below.