In Aesop’s Fables, a set of tales told to children to imbue them with socially correct morals, exists the story of “The North Wind and The Sun.” The iconic fable describes how the anthropomorphic entities of the Wind and the Sun argued between themselves on the best method in getting someone to remove their coat. After the Wind, through blusterous methods, fails where the gentle pervasive heat from the Sun succeeds, a simple story is told on how the outcome you desire can be achieved with a gentle touch rather than through brute force. Writer-Director Aaron Schimberg has seemingly never taken that moral on board as A Different Man, a fascinating metatextual black satire, tells a relatively simple moral about accepting oneself and on the societal fallacy of beauty in your appearance through a brash, and occasionally arrogant, method of execution.
This review was posted on March 31st 2024. Full review linked below.